Veganism- The What's & The Why's
I know veganism seems like a huge trend right now and you wanna do it cuz "Everyone else is doing it too" or " You know, it's healthy." But do you know what veganism actually is?
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Veganism is a huge trend right now because it is coming to the eye of the common man that animal numbers are depleting. A lot of people started this diet and ended up regretting it. It is a very difficult choice to make but social media has everyone trying it because everyone wants to show off. But is it the right thing for you?
Veganism is the practice of refraining from meat, seafood, eggs, dairy products, and honey. Basically, anything that comes from animals. What vegans can eat are various plant foods, including fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, seeds, nuts, and products made from these ingredients. But veganism holds risks for a lot of people. People can mess up their balanced diet easily but with veganism, you cannot afford to make a mistake. A lot of people think that you can only get proteins from meat and dairy although that is a myth. It had developed because meat was very popularly consumed throughout the world. The truth is, you can receive protein through veggies but you would have to regulate how much and that can cause problems. You also might have problems getting away from dairy and meat if you are used to having it every day. Your body is likely to find it hard to adjust to drastic changes and you might suffer because your body may fight back.
Consider going on a vegan diet for a month. See if veganism suits you. Can your body survive without meat? Will you be able to regulate your diet? Can you get your body to adjust to the taste or to the lack of therein?
Pros of veganism:
- Vegans are at a diminished risk of serious illness.
- Veganism stimulates heightened weight loss.
- It's getting easier and easier to buy plant proteins.
- Veganism is more environmentally viable.
Cons of veganism:
- Restaurants often do not serve vegan food.
- They have a hard time finding food on-the-go.
- It is a small problem that some can adjust to but vegan food does not taste very appetizing if you are used to meaty foods.
- Those following a vegan diet may want to be extra careful to ensure they are consuming enough iron, zinc, vitamin D, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids.
- Vegans are also at a high risk of developing vitamin B12 deficiency that, if left untreated, can potentially cause neurological effects that are irreversible.
- There are 2 types of iron and since vegans can only consume the iron found in plants, they will have to maintain that balance. Unfortunately, plant-based iron is not readily absorbed by humans.
Basically, veganism is not for everyone. As you can see, there are a lot of cons as compared to the minimal amount of pros. So think carefully if you can make the change. And if you can't, no problem. Eat what is fit for your body because everyone is different in their own way.
If you still want to go vegan but it does not suit you, contemplate vegetarianism.
Vegans eat no animal products, while vegetarians don't eat animals but they eat products that come from them like honey, eggs, and dairy.
This would help you get nutrients from animals too as well as a basic vegan diet.
Well, now it is your choice. Vegan,vegetarian or the same meat lover, you must make the right choice for you.
Healthy living everyone :)
Wow, I had no clue there was so much to know about veganism. I was all set to be a vegan, but now I am rethinking my decision. Thank you for posting this article.