Home Alone

Disclaimer: be prepared to cry, this is a very sad poem

Home alone
You break down
You're letting out everything
It's more than a frown
Cause you just wanna drown

Then they come home
And here you go
Red eyes, it hurts to smile
But you can laugh, so that's fine
Hide it all somewhere deep inside
But don't let them catch you lying
Pretending that you're okay

They don't suspect a thing
They don't even know
That their child was breaking a second ago, 
With every breath they inhaled
That the moment they go, leave you alone
It's just going to happen again
That your insides will burn and your outsides will sting
And that you will clutch and embrace the pain
That inside, you will break

I was itching to write something, so I did. 
{Not based on reality.}


  1. Wow! 🤯🤯
    Really Good 👏👏👏

  2. reminds me of my little dark age. the more we hide the more it stays deep within us inside the coldest bottom. wonderful skills u got there.


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