We need to find the good in the darkest times because...

In the midst of an abhorrent and ravaged world, where nothing was to stand and only ruins were to see, she abnegated her beliefs, her only support, to open herself to the new world and the changes it invited. Maybe not embrace it, because she didn't even know it. But to watch it, learn it, and grow with it. It was a decision that would make her, or break her. But for sure, it changed her.

The new world she saw was one with potential beneath the refuse. Her generation would grow with the potential, the need, and more importantly the strength, to dominate their cul-de-sac. She would be a tiny part of them, making a difference in her own way, in the push-&-shove that the uncertainty brought about.

The world had mutated again in March of 2020, and it shone a new face. This time, it went old-school, with a pandemic that surpassed the Spanish Flu, among others. The novelty of the new world was, this time, it had us right in its hands. Lonely, confused, and divided, it was the perfect combination; we were scared straight. 

But as time passed, humanity proved itself again. Connected digitally, we started new relations online and mended old ones. We’re out again, marching the streets like they belong to us, making memes about CoViD [because a little humor is always what the doctor ordered], making plans and laughing hard, and warning CoViD to back off because we’re not scared anymore. We’re learning about this new world, now with newfound curiosity and no longer fear. Uncertainty still brews, but the bubbles are way below the surface, and not enough to break us once again. 

She chose to focus on this. In her eyes, humanity was like one big lizard. Its tail was cut off, but it regrew over time. She knew she could take advantage of this. Use this opportunity to try and make the world a better place. Maybe even succeed. More importantly, though, she wanted others to focus on it as well. She wanted people to see how atrocious the situation was, and how we made it better. All CoViD could really do was make us wear a piece of cloth in front of our mouth and nose, and it was a small price to pay.

She could have chosen to focus on the bad part. The part which argues that CoViD swept our economy off its feet, pushed us into loneliness and fear, and drove us to the verge of our sanity. She could have easily taken for the word that our education is suffering, that we’ve lost touch with ourselves, and that everything wrong with today can somehow be, indirectly or directly, linked to CoViD.

But that’s what we need to avoid. We need to find the good in the darkest times because otherwise, we eradicate the only reason for good to exist. CoViD rattled us inside and out. But if humanity survived this, there’s no telling how unique and powerful we truly are, and how powerful we can be united. I’m choosing to believe that that is a good thing.

...otherwise, we eradicate the only reason for good to exist


  1. I was surprised by the way we humans changed our way of life and adapted to a completely unknown situation ☺️

  2. It is indeed true🤯🤯
    Everything is even more interesting when you put it in words like this it is very inspiring Rhea
    I hope you continue to do this with such interest 🙌 🙌

  3. She could have Drowned herself in sorrow. She sure could. She could have Isolated herself hopeless. She sure could. But she Didn't.


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