Humans and equality: a picture composition

I haven't posted for a long time, and I do apologize for the hiatus.

A few days ago, I was assigned a picture composition. It was relatively simple, but I wanted to share it in the hopes that it means something deeper for you like it does for me. It turned out to be a bit longer than expected, but it's still fairly compact. Enjoy!

Here is the picture:

When the Almighty Power first created Earth, the Power was under the impression that creatures of the Earth would be all-inclusive. However, it soon became clear that that was not the case. Humans became greedy and overtook the Earth, and this enraged the Power. In retaliation, he created an alternate universe where any creature who faced injustice on Earth could live. At first, this land was inhabited by only witches. But as the human population grew, more and more creatures were pushed out of Earth and started living here. Even then, the creatures in the Alternate universe were mad at the humans because they believed in the equality of all creatures. They wanted an organized plan to take revenge. To do this, all the animals decided to vote and chose six leaders; a dog, a rooster, a donkey, a fox, and two witches. Soon, they hatched a plan. To make the humans see that they were equal, they had to do all the activities humans could do. So at night, witches were sent back to Earth and they figured out that humans were most fond of entertainment. They resolved to learn to play musical instruments. The witches made magical potions to help the animals become better at playing the instruments. One such potion was called ‘auxilium musicalis’ which enabled the animals to understand music better. They practiced for years, very carefully honed their skills, and finally were very proud of their musical talents. The rooster spoke to the Power and asked him to hold a show inviting all the important people of the Earth. It was scheduled for a few weeks later. 

Yet, a few days before the show, their guitar, flutes, and drums had been sabotaged. The animals knew the culprits; some humans who were intolerant of other creatures. The donkey thought for some time and he went to visit a well-known animal ally, Hannah Shaw. He pleaded with her to help them. She rounded up a few people who were also allies, and they decided to perform together. When the humans saw the talents of the humans and animals together, it struck them how much they could advance if they had the help of the animals. At the end of three minutes, almost half of the humans were crying and at the very end, the standing ovation the animals received proved that the humans were finally ready to accept equality.

For some context:
Hannah Shaw is a well-known advocate for animal rights, and she goes by kittenlady on her social media. Her YouTube account is dedicated to helping animal foster parents, and she has helped spread the message of TNR far and wide. She also has a non-profit called the Orphan Kitten Club and is the author of 'Tiny but Mighty'.


  1. Wow I am mind blown. I was assigned the same picture composition a year ago and remembering what I wrote is making me recline in shame. This is so creative, the English language does not have enough words to describe how beautiful this was.


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