Pain! According to Merriam-Webster lexicon, this is the physical feeling caused by disease, injury, or something that hurts the body. And we would do well without it, wouldn't we? No more wrist sprains, toothaches, muscle pulls, or stomach aches. Cool, eh? I'm not so certain of that.

Would you be glad if I told you you will never feel pain again? Never again that annoying stuff that keeps you from eating too much ice-cream? Never again would you feel that nuisance that made you get a root canal done? Never again would you have to worry about fracturing your wrist or back or leg? Probably, yes. Would you think that is healthy? Again, probably yes. But the answer? It's NOT.

Pain is the body's notification alert. Don't buy that? Every time your stomach hurt, you knew you ate too much. Every time your tooth hurt, you went to the dentist (probably not every time). Every time your wrist sprained or your muscle pulled, you got worried and knew you had to schedule a visit to the orthopedic. If there was a pain in your eye, you knew to rub it (maybe not the right course of action, but you did take action). Most of the time there was something awry in your body, the first red flag was invariably a pain. You knew immediately that something ain't running right. If you had been shot but couldn't feel pain, you would go around all day with a bullet in you. I don't think you want that. But let's be practical. Not everyone gets shot, right. So how bout this? You cut yourself on a rusted nail that fell off your cabinet. But you don't realize it. So, instead of getting a tetanus shot or other potential safety measures, you scramble about doing your job, without realizing anything. Unpleasant to imagine, isn't it?

 So, ready to edit your response (if your response was yes)? 👍

Now that you can comprehend the importance of pain, you might be startled to know there are few people who cannot sense pain. They have an infirmity called 'congenital insensitivity to pain'. In layman's words, they're indifferent to pain. Life can always be too dangerous for them as they will never receive a sign to quit doing something that could possibly be exceedingly risky. And that rises from birth. Ashlyn Blocker is one such soul. She can sense temperatures within the range of warm and cool, but zilch in the extremes. She learned to flinch when she notices others in pain, but she doesn't understand what pain feels like. This befalls them bcoz of a mutation of a cell but is frequently a distinctive cell in separate individuals. It disturbs to know that you will never undergo a rather typical part of life, but who knows what science is up to? Maybe one day, scientists can figure out how to change the cell and peace will reign once more.

 Very rare cases exist since this is a highly unusual variation. People with insensitivity to pain sometimes also cannot sweat, which is terrible. Sweat helps us lessen our body temp, so not being able to perspire (anhidrosis) points to hyperthermia(your body burning up) which can be lethal.

People with this dysfunction have to make sure that they are regularly in rooms with ACs or coolers because their bodies just cannot tolerate heat amassing. They must make sure they don't strain themselves.

Pain is no joke. It is a lifesaver. And truly, if there is no pain, there is no gain. Pain itself is very bothersome, but hey, at least you get a signal before something extreme befalls you. 

To exit on a good note, I should tell you that I have a new page where you can access some quizzes, polls and in a few weeks, games too. You can visit QUIZZES+POLLS here.


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